Crimean time

Another Yalta Conference

A Crimean-British conference is expected to be held in February 2015 in Yalta city. This news was announced by Alexander Liev, Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, during the presentation of the Crimean Tourist Office at The National Churchill Museum in London: "Along with our British partners, we plan to organize a major conference named after Winston Churchill in Yalta. The conference will mark the 70-year anniversary of the famous Yalta Conference. It is worth mentioning that Churchill's descendants are expected to take part in the organization of this significant event."


The conference will focus on the trends of society development in the modern world. The government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea will make every effort to make this conference an annual event, believing that the history of Crimea is part of the world's heritage.

NOTE. In February of 1945 the Livadia Palace in Yalta was the place where the three leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition met for negotiations: Joseph Stalin, Soviet leader, Franklin Roosevelt, President of the USA and Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain. During the conference they finalized plans of defeating Nazi Germany and defined common attitude towards this country after its surrender and outlined the main principles of policy with regards to the post-war settlement of the world.

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